
was donated
Maple Leaf / Canada Flag by Jensenr last year

Looking for someone to create a Canada Flag pattern. Or someone to give me instructions on how to use the generator to create my own patterns! Pls and thank you.

RE : Maple Leaf / Canada Flag by mayagd last year

This one should be good.


Don't forget you can find a lot of patterns just by using the search bar :)

RE : Maple Leaf / Canada Flag by halokiwi last year

Are you looking for a normal or an alpha pattern?

There are tutorials on here explaining how to use the different generators
Alpha: https://friendship-bracelets.net/tutorials/1666
For normals there does not seem to be one, but here is one on how to design one without the generator: https://friendship-bracelets.net/tutorials/114

The normal pattern generator should be pretty intuitive to use. You can add/remove strings and rows by clicking plus/minus. Clicking on the knots changes the knots. To select the colours of the strings, click the little squares on top.

RE : Maple Leaf / Canada Flag by halokiwi last year

I could also try to design one for you, if the ones that already exist are not to your liking. You just need to let me know, if it should be a normal or alpha and how many strings there should be.


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