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Pattern number by M_P_R18bestever 2 years ago

What number is a pattern where you put one string over or under one or more strings then tie it to the next string? For example you put string a over or under b then tie a to c.

RE : Pattern number by kleinevos (moderator) 2 years ago

I have no idea what you mean. None of our patterns with numbers skip strings. We have tutorials for patterns that skip strings, but I have no idea of what pattern you mean. Do you have a picture?

RE : Pattern number by M_P_R18bestever 2 years ago

Which tutorial shows you how to skip strings? I can’t find a tutorial for skipping strings.

RE : Pattern number by halokiwi 2 years ago

What does your bracelet look like? Do you have a picture that you could link?

RE : Pattern number by kleinevos (moderator) 2 years ago

There’s not one tutorial for that, there are separate tutorials for patterns where strings are skipped.

RE : Pattern number by M_P_R18bestever last year

I can’t find any tutorial where you skip strings. If you know one tell me one.

RE : Pattern number by kleinevos (moderator) last year

In a lot of tutorial bracelets you do. That’s mainly the difference between patterns and tutorials. But I get the feeling that you mean something different by skipping than what I see as skipping strings. Please show us a picture of what you mean. It’s hard talking about something without fully explaining what you mean.


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