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Slingshot pattern by Likebracelets 2 years ago

Hello, I am looking for a bracelet pattern with a slingshot on it but I can't find one anywhere. I tried making my own but it doesn't look very good. I also tried searching. So if someone could help that would be much appreciated. If you can try to keep it with 12 or less strings and a normal pattern. That might be to specific but I would really appreciate it!

RE : Slingshot pattern by dog2879 2 years ago

I whipped up this pattern quickly. It might not be exactly what you want but I hope it either inspires you to make something that better suits your wants or is good enough for you.

Here is the permalink: http://friendship-bracelets.net/107590

P.S. It appears sideways so the slingshot is parallel with the bracelet, not perpendicular to it.

RE : Slingshot pattern by dog2879 2 years ago


Here is the actual image. I forgot that the pattern cannot be seen until it is accepted.

RE : Slingshot pattern by dog2879 2 years ago


RE : Slingshot pattern by Likebracelets 2 years ago

Thank you so much!!!!!!! I really appriciate it

RE : Slingshot pattern by dog2879 2 years ago

Absolutely no problem. Mods won't allow it (probably the slingshot lol) but I don't mind. If you like it, that's all that matters :)


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