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Supernatural-Themed Bracelets by Morsandoral 3 years ago

Can anyone do some SPN based designs like the anti-possession symbol or the mark of Cain or Cas's coat with wings, etc, but mainly that first one? I'd try designing it myself but I'm rubbish at creating patterns. Thank you!

RE : Supernatural-Themed Bracelets by kleinevos (moderator) 3 years ago

We have A59478 and A59564 and you can find some more patterns if you search on keyword supernatural.

RE : Supernatural-Themed Bracelets by Morsandoral 3 years ago

I was looking for 1212 patterns, not alpha ones, since I can't make those, but thank you so much anyway! I should've specified that though.

RE : Supernatural-Themed Bracelets by kleinevos (moderator) 3 years ago

You can convert 2-colored alphas into 1212-patterns if you like.

RE : Supernatural-Themed Bracelets by kleinevos (moderator) 3 years ago

See here

RE : Supernatural-Themed Bracelets by Morsandoral 3 years ago

You're wonderful and I can't possibly thank you enough for that!


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