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Finding particular patterns by Knotting Sailor 3 years ago

Hi all - I have just spent several hours looking for a couple of different patterns, both in the pattern finder as well as in the forum. Looking for an aboriginal flag and a simple (christian) cross and heart pattern.
Maybe I am struggling to use the search engine right, but I couldn't come up with either (at least within a simple 4-8 string pattern).
I ended up creating a simple aboriginal flag pattern, but I suspect it got rejected because it was too simple or too similar to another (though I couldn't find another similar one?).
In my search I read somewhere that (I think) you can view rejected patterns and deleted patterns? Could someone tell me how or where please?
Also how do I refine my search in looking for those specific patterns? I found a reference to a japanese flag, but that was like 20 strings - far too broad for a bracelet I am looking for - plus only white as the background, not two colours?
Help please :-)

RE : Finding particular patterns by kleinevos (moderator) 3 years ago

On your profile page is a button ‘pending’ When you click on it you’ll see a list of your pending and your rejected patterns.

We always add numbers of similar or same patterns to the description box of rejected patterns if the pattern is not too simple or random. If no number is added, the pattern is rejected for being too simple/too common/random, or because it’s stolen from other websites. See also https://friendship-bracelets.net/faq/view/43

In case you submit a pattern with a small diamond for example, meant to be a flag, we consider it a diamond and not a flag. And simple diamond patterns will always be rejected, because we have many similar patterns already.
We don’t judge patterns by color, because colors can be changed. So you should also do your search by keyword square or diamond in this case. Not by keyword flag or aboriginal.

For the cross you can search on cross or Christian or religion, for example. Note that, in case we already have a heart pattern and a separate cross pattern and you submit a pattern with both, it can still be rejected if both existing patterns can easily be merged together.

RE : Finding particular patterns by Knotting Sailor 3 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply Kleinevos!
Guess I will have to improve my knotting skills to be able to extend and merge patterns ;-)
Still can't quite find what I was looking for, but will persist.
Love the site and really appreciate the work you put in!

RE : Finding particular patterns by Celicia (moderator) 3 years ago

A tip: you can use the generator to make the pattern of your liking but instead of saving it and uploading it to the site, you can take a screenshot and save it on your device. It's what most of us do. I hope this is useful to you!

RE : Finding particular patterns by Knotting Sailor 3 years ago

Thanks for the tip Celicia! Yes, I had kind of gotten to that resolution. Just sad the preview of the pattern is nothing quite like the end product... Saving (and thus submitting it) gives a much better idea of what it will look like in the end :-)
But you are quite right, the generator as such is an awesome tool to work with!


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