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Pending patters by zoeyllm 4 years ago

Hi, I was wondering how long it normally takes for patterns to get approved. I have a pattern that has been pending for a few days, and I am wondering if this is normal. Thanks.

RE : Pending patters by kleinevos (moderator) 4 years ago

There are already some questions about that in the forum :-)
We used to be able to check patterns within a few days, longer for kumihimos. But lately we have had much more patterns coming in, and we are also improving the site. So we are very busy, and we have a small moderator team. That means it can sometimes take several weeks before a pattern is accepted, or rejected. Some patterns need more discussion than others too.
We try to speed up a little though! But we are still all volunteers, we also have our own lifes :-)

RE : Pending patters by zoeyllm 4 years ago

Ok, thanks! That makes sense!

RE : Pending patters by bracelet maker 3 years ago

can you find your patterns while they are waiting to get moderated I have a lot of patterns I want to make but can't find them.

RE : Pending patters by Celicia (moderator) 3 years ago

In your profile, in the "pending" folder you can find your pending and rejected patterns. Instead of sending personal patterns and too simple or modyfy patterns to the site, you can take a screenshot and save them on your device.


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