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Help needed - alpha pattern by ReactiveRAT 5 years ago

I am new to this and yes, I have read the tutorials and even watched some alpha pattern videos. I have done two colored alpha patterns but now I would like to make this one:


The question is: do I make two colored base strings and if - how? or do I use two or three different colors of main string?

I hope you can understand what I am asking. So basically I'm not sure how to set it up and how to start. I hope someone can help me. Thank you!

RE: Help needed - alpha pattern by kleinevos (moderator) 5 years ago

Most people make alphas with the substitution technique. That means you never knot with the base-strings, you only knot onto the base-strings. Each color is made by changing the color of the knotting string.
You could take doubled base-strings for this pattern, and knot it like the two-colored technique. It works, but it will look better with the substitution technique.
The knots are always a bit stretched out/rectangle instead of square if you use the two-colored technique.

RE: Help needed - alpha pattern by ReactiveRAT 5 years ago

Thank you a lot! I think that's why my two colored alpha bracelets are not even... I have knotted those using the base strings and main string... So in the future I will knot those with the changing main string and do that with the multi colored one too.


RE: Help needed - alpha pattern by BrooklynnSky512 4 years ago

If anyone has like a heart alpha pattern plz link it thx

RE: Help needed - alpha pattern by Anyblia 4 years ago

Use the search bar at the top of the page et look for "heart"....


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