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Ways to start and end a bracelet by Mina 13 years ago

Okay, I get the normal way of starting and ending a bracelet: just knot it! And I have another way...but does anyone know how to make a size-adjustable bracelet? That stays? I learned one on my own..but it doesnt help much-it keeps getting loose...

RE: Ways to start and end a bracelet by lluubbuuss 13 years ago

heyy...here's a tutorial for making adjustable bracelets https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/tutorial.php?id=250 hope it helps

RE: Ways to start and end a bracelet by Mina 13 years ago

Oooooohhhh! Now I get it! I was looking at that one a few weeks ago, and I got EXTREMELY confused. Thanks... even though this was a pretty dumb question...=]

RE: Ways to start and end a bracelet by Mina 13 years ago

Nah...like my way better....Thanks though..=]

RE: Ways to start and end a bracelet by kerrytreasure 8 years ago

I see a great tutorial on making a button hole with a smooth start that's oval shaped. How do I end the bracelet and get a smooth end where the button itself will go?


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