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Rejected Pattern Confusion by latefines 4 years ago

All right, just to be clear, I am aware that patterns get rejected and there are reasons why. But is there any way to despute a decision? I ask because the rejection I got directed me to another pattern, which I assume was meant to be a sign that it was too similar.

The pattern I submitted was the Horde logo from She-Ra.

The pattern I was directed to was the Horde logo from Warcraft.

I understand that they are both called "the Horde" but the are not the same thing. The logo isn't the same. It's not even similar. So is the pattern being rejected based on the keywords? If that's the case, I don't even know how I'm supposed to fix that problem. Sometimes things have the same words in them. That's how people will search for it.

And if that's not why it's being rejected, why direct me to a random pattern that has nothing to do with the one I submitted apart from a similar name?

RE : Rejected Pattern Confusion by kleinevos (moderator) 4 years ago

We don’t discuss rejected patterns in public. You can always send one of the moderators a PM though, or post a private message in the guestbook. In this case I’ll uncheck the pattern. We don’t always have knowledge about these things. It helps if the keywords you add before submitting the pattern are good enough for us to understand what the pattern stands for.

RE : Rejected Pattern Confusion by Darth Plagious 3 years ago

I've had a few kumihimo patterns rejected. With no resons. One was a viking ship. One a ghost and 2 an alien do ace. I don't know if it's because sometimes I can't get the exact color match or what. I ain't tripping. I just thought others would like them.

RE : Rejected Pattern Confusion by kleinevos (moderator) 3 years ago

For kumihimos we also try to add the number of similar/same patterns. But kumihimos are different from knotted patterns. Shapes like you mentioned are most likely not recognizable. Not as pattern, but mainly not when braided. It’s not about the colors you used. The image you see on our site is not how the actual kumihimo is going to look like. Therefore we judge by what we see and a bit by what we think it’s going to look like. If it looks quite random to us, we reject the kumihimo pattern. In that case it has no reason added but the link to the faq (https://friendship-bracelets.net/faq/view/43 ).
Note that we have a rule that says that sometimes patterns can be put back up for voting after a (nice) picture is added to the pattern!
I hope this explains it for you.

RE : Rejected Pattern Confusion by Darth Plagious 3 years ago

I've been trying to add a picture of a bracelet. But it says the file is too big?

RE : Rejected Pattern Confusion by kleinevos (moderator) 3 years ago

You need to resize to less than 50kb.


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