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Cleaning polyester bracelets? by Bingo 6 years ago

I use waxed polyester string for my bracelets, the string is very bright and clean when I first make my bracelets but I've noticed it VERY quickly (like within a month) gets dull and has an almost dirty look to it. Some of them I wear when I shower, some I do not but all of them are losing their brightness. Does anyone know what's causing this (and so quickly) or is that just the way they are?

RE: Cleaning polyester bracelets? by kleinevos (moderator) 6 years ago

I think it?s because the wax is sticky. I?ve heard that you can wash them in the washing machine to clean them. That should fix the problem :-)

RE: Cleaning polyester bracelets? by Bingo 6 years ago

I shall give that a shot, thank you so much! :D


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