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How to make thicker bracelets? by OOAKforest 8 years ago

I really want to start making thicker and more impressive bracelets, such as pattern #25227, but I have no idea how to go about it. The thickest bracelet I have ever made is only 16 strings, and although it turned out great, it was a very basic pattern. Any tips on making thicker bracelets? (I also use a My Friendship Bracelet Maker that only holds 10 strings. Should I ditch it?) Thanks!

RE: How to make thicker bracelets? by koda123lc 8 years ago

i would use a clipboard to hold the bracelet. with thick ones, i usually use tape to make little holders so the string doesnt get tangled, but as this isnt an alpha pattern, i dont think you would need to use the tape

RE: How to make thicker bracelets? by sierra_lima1 8 years ago

For bracelets wird more strings you can make yourself a cardboard-loom. It is described in the tutorials.

RE: How to make thicker bracelets? by meercatred 7 years ago

I just use a safety pin through the knot and pinned onto my trousers. Also, shaping is important when making large bracelets.

RE: How to make thicker bracelets? by Allison98 7 years ago

I would make a buckle (a loop) and then shape the bracelet. This can be a bit hard if you haven't done it before, so you may want to practice on smaller bracelets. Then I usually safety-pin it to my jeans, shorts, or a blanket secured on my lap. The knots are the same (obv.) but it can be a bit harder to keep the strings in order if you don't do shaping (or an "organizing row" like I've done when I couldn't do shaping; Tutorial:https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/tutorial.php?id=5289 it's basically a chevron style start, only not in the chevron shape).


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