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how to double patterns? by chrissy1 9 years ago

Hello, I would love to make a little bag for my cellphone, but I don't understand how I can double a pattern. I need a pattern out of 10 strings 7 times. I know, that I can make a wider pattern instead of a small pattern, so I would not have to double it. But I want to make a small patttern.
So, what's about the outermost strings in every second row? Do I have them to join in the middle. (The end of one pattern with the beginning of the second pattern)?

And do I have to join the pattern of every first row also?

I hope you understand what I mean. My English is not very good, cause I am from Germany. I'm looking forward to your answers :-)

RE: how to double patterns? by EdBlair 9 years ago

When you say you need the 10 string pattern 7 times, do you mean side by side? or end to end?

For end-to-end, you can just repeat the pattern as many times as you like (each repetition is the same pattern as the one above it).

For side-by-side, you are basically creating two (or more) bracelets in parallel. To double a 10 string pattern, you need 20 strings. On every even row, where on a single 10 string bracelet a string is left out on the side that is adjacent to the other half of your doubled bracelet, you need to tie a fb or bf knot (if the two strings are the same color, you could also tie a forward knot) with the string being left out from the other half of the bracelet.

If you need 7 bracelets of 10 strings each, side by side, you either have to be prepared to knot the equivalent of a 70-string bracelet, or else you can make them in pairs and use needle and thread to sew the pieces together.

When you double a bracelet, there is no requirement that the two halves start on the same row, or be the same pattern, or that the two patterns have the same length. As long as you can keep track of which row you are working on in each half of your bracelet.

RE: how to double patterns? by chrissy1 9 years ago

Thank you EdBlair. :-)
I think I understand now.
If not, I come back and ask again....*g*

RE: how to double patterns? by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

The tutorial for doubling is here :-)

RE: how to double patterns? by chrissy1 9 years ago

Thank you very much kleinevos! :-)
I understand it now, due to the explanation from EdBlair and now I had a look to this tutorial in addition, so I am very sure, I can make it! :-)

RE: how to double patterns? by EdBlair 9 years ago

That is a very nice tutorial, with pictures showing how the various ways to implement the doubling look on an actual bracelet.
If I had seen that tutorial (or had the time to look through the tutorials) when I posted my comment, I would definitely have posted a link to it.

RE: how to double patterns? by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

:-) There are so many tutorials, I can't blame you for not knowing that tutorial was there. ;-)

RE: how to double patterns? by chrissy1 9 years ago

No one is to blame, for anything!....*lol*
You are both great, and I am very happy!
Thanks a lot :-)


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