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the back of multicolored alphas by ILoveLucy 10 years ago

what do you do with the back of multicolored alphas? What do you do with the extra string? I was thinking of glueing it, but im not sure if its a good idea. What do you suggest to do with the loose threads?

RE: the back of multicolored alphas by kleinevos (moderator) 10 years ago

I knot two of them together and glue them to the back with tacky glue.

RE: the back of multicolored alphas by ILoveLucy 10 years ago

ok I'll try that thanks!

RE: the back of multicolored alphas by KnotterHolic 10 years ago

Hot or even tacky glue does wonders ;)

RE: the back of multicolored alphas by Goura 10 years ago

Hot glue is good,but if you want to make a more invisible work,use super glue,but apply it using a brush or something.Too much will make the thread get dark

RE: the back of multicolored alphas by ILoveLucy 10 years ago

Thank You all so much!

RE: the back of multicolored alphas by redline 10 years ago

i never use glue. i just put the ending of the strings under the strained ones and leave it. :)

RE: the back of multicolored alphas by Goura 10 years ago

How do you do that?I used to cut the threads so that only a tiny bit was left,but at the end,the job got undone...

RE: the back of multicolored alphas by redline 10 years ago

i cut them not so close. i leave a little bit of it and use a crochet to put the ending underneath other strings.

RE: the back of multicolored alphas by redline 10 years ago

in this photo at the top of her head the white ending goes underneath the red strings that goes from left to right and from right to the left :)


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