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Things that don't fit into other topics.

thread name replies author views last post
Beaded bracelets
Has anyone ever switched to beaded bracelets in a similar style to the knotted friendship bracelets?
0 tangled.princess 418 12 months ago
by tangled.princess
good alpha patterns? :)
i enjoy making alpha patterns (multicolor and regular) and i really want to make some good patterns.
6 Sirchewy 1761 last year
by Celicia
Change Profile Name
Hi, Is it possible for me/admin to change my profile name? It's currently JDechant, but this is a
4 JMannino 567 last year
by Celicia
Good evening all I'm trying to find wall hanging macrame with a certain amount of strings (28) . Bei
1 Amberella 468 last year
by kleinevos
What are you listening to right now?
What are you listening to right now?
10 johnmarry 1486 last year
by LizzieM
help with tutorial
Hi mods! I saved a tutorial to my destop several years ago (instead of bookmarking it, my mistake) a
2 AB_cullen 799 last year
by AB_cullen
photo question- two in one
Hi, I made a bracelet that is two patterns (there was literally only one knot difference). Would it
3 KnottyArtist09 527 last year
by KnottyArtist09
Finding my favs
Help! I have favorited several patterns but I can't find where I can view the list.
6 Phoenix69 853 last year
by Celicia
Conversation-thread for the Chain Game (part two)
Here's a fresh thread for the conversations too :-)) [b]In this thread you can ask any question c
159 kleinevos 23691 last year
by Celicia
Switching colors in an alpha patterns
How do you switch colors in an alpha patten?? I have no idea, can someone help me?
1 lilacbailey 655 last year
by mayagd

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